Production time 5-7 working days.
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North America: 1-3 weeks
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Europe: 1-2 weeks
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This bronze sculpture is based on a well-known Kernosovsky idol. Sandstone statue from Kernosovsky village in Ukraine, dating to around 2500 to 3000 BC. A product of the Yamna culture, that is, the probable proto-Indo-Europeans. This was discovered by schoolchildren in 1973. It is 4 feet (1.2 m) tall and weighs 1700 pounds (950 kg). Ukrainian archaeologists identify this as a god, but in western Europe, they think Bronze Age stelae are more likely to represent semi-divine heroes, which we know were very important in the slightly later religion of the early Iron Age.
The original is situated in the Dnipropetrovsk national historical museum named after D. Yavornitsky in Dnipro City (Ukraine).
Height: 50 mm/1.97 inch
Width: 20 mm-0.78 inch