Falcon Pendant	Asatru Necklace	Amulet	Viking Pendant	Trident	Norse Jewelry	Scandinavian	SCA	LARP	Reenactment	Middle Ages	Medieval	Viking Necklace

Falcon Pendant, Asatru Necklace

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Production time 5-7 working days.

Estimated shipping time

North America: 1-3 weeks
South America: 3-5 weeks
Europe: 1-2 weeks
Australia, New Zealand and Oceania: 3-5 weeks
Asia Pacific: 3-5 weeks

Pendant size:
height - 4.5 cm
width - 2.8 cm

Pendant with a falcon. Replica of original artifact from Ukraine that is depicted on the last picture.

Falcon - was a symbol of legendary Viking and Kyivan Rus' könig Rurik (9th century AD). He was an ancestor of the Kyivan Rus' princes. Obviously, the pendant belonged to someone from the warriors of the Kyivan Rus' princes.

Later, the coat of arms of Rurik (Falcon) was transformed into the modern emblem of Ukraine - the Trident. And this pendant demonstrates the origin of the Ukrainian coat of arms.

More about Kievan Rus here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27
More about Rurik here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurik

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